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TeachNg History

Lesson Samples

Below are sample lessons from some of the classes that I have taught before

AP/World History

o Historical Music Gallery - Worksheet Summary: Students listen to and investigate music from different places and different times and analyze their meaning in the context of their historical time periods Analysis: This assignment can be used as a nice introduction to the beginning of the year to get students to think about history in different modes or it can be used towards the end of the year as a summative assessment of the historical investigation skills the students have developed Commentary: I had my students use their computers as listening stations and formed a “gallery” in my classroom where students can go to different stations to listen to and read about the music that other students have discovered. It is important to make sure to have materials ready (headphones) and have a worksheet for students to work on while going to different stations. Make time for a closing reflection with the entire class.

AP US History

US History


o Webquest: HDI Trends and GII



© Copyrights are really strange things. You’re allowed to use the content from my site as long as you give me credit
Mr. Ng’s Class Website

Lesson Samples

Below are sample lessons from some of the classes that I have taught before

AP/World History

o Historical Music Gallery - Worksheet Summary: Students listen to and investigate music from different places and different times and analyze their meaning in the context of their historical time periods Analysis: This assignment can be used as a nice introduction to the beginning of the year to get students to think about history in different modes or it can be used towards the end of the year as a summative assessment of the historical investigation skills the students have developed Commentary: I had my students use their computers as listening stations and formed a “gallery” in my classroom where students can go to different stations to listen to and read about the music that other students have discovered. It is important to make sure to have materials ready (headphones) and have a worksheet for students to work on while going to different stations. Make time for a closing reflection with the entire class.

AP US History

US History


o Webquest: HDI Trends and GII

